Create your first quiz

A quiz is a series of questions that guide your customers to receive personalized product recommendations based on their answers. We recommend creating quizzes that are tailored to a specific collection of products in your store or a specific need that your customers have.

Using Lantern, you can create as many quizzes as you want, whether you're using the free or one of the paid plans. There are two main ways to start creating your quiz : using our powerful AI integration or by creating it manually. This article will walk you through creating a quiz manually. If you want to learn more about generating quiz flows using AI, check out this article.

Create New Quiz

To start off, head over to the Quizzes tab and click the Create a New Quiz button. Give your quiz a name being mindful that this will also be the quiz slug and visible to all your customers.

Clicking Create will redirect you to the Quiz Builder where you can build, customize and preview your quiz.

To add your first question simply start typing it over the grey help text that reads  ‘Your question here…’ .

By default, all questions are required to be answered. You can also select if you want your quiz to go to the next question when an answer is selected or if you want your customers to manually click the next question button.

Click the Add answer button and begin writing these over the grey ‘answer here’ help text.

Both answers and questions have optional descriptions that you can use to provide more details and further explanations.

Please note: You do not need to create a property ID. This is useful if you want to be able to recall and reference the answer selected later in the quiz - for example, reuse the answer on the results page. For more information on how you can do this for all que answers please check out the following article.

To the right hand side of your questions you’ll find non CSS general design settings for the question, answers, descriptions and button.

To add questions to the quiz click the +Add page button and select the type - choice question which provides several options for single and multiple questions with emojis or image based answers.

Or you can select or customer input quesitons. The Input -One Line Text and Input- multi line question types allow you to introduce a text input field inside your quiz. Your customers can use it to enter information like name, phone numbers, addresses or even freeform answers to a specific question in the quiz.

Please note, unlike standard quiz questions, the input field questions don't impact the product recommendations - they are designed to help you collect additional information about your customers and personalize their experience

You can reposition your questions by dragging and dropping them and you can remove questions if they were added by mistake. In addition to questions you can also and transition screens.

To each page in your quiz you can add additional content blocks that can contain images, text, links, lists, buttons and even videos to further personalize your customer’s experience.

Logic jumps can be found on the left-hand side menu. These are essentially quiz decision trees that allow your customers to move through the quiz in a logical order based on previous answers that they’ve given.

For example, we’re looking to create an apparel quiz and our first question asks our customers to choose what they’re interested in buying: Shoes, Bottoms or Tops. If the customer chooses shoes, we have two additional questions we want to ask them about the style of shoes and brand preference before making any product recommendations. We also need to do the same for Bottoms and Tops and we do this by configuring logic jumps.

Add an Email Capture Page

Below the questions in the left-hand side menu, you’ll find an option to add an email capture page by clicking +Add page.

You can change the default wording of the email capture page to better reflect your brand and encourage your customers to get their quiz results straight to their inbox.

You can also capture customer names as well as email addresses and you also have the option of making this compulsory. If you've set up the integrations, the customer name and email data will automatically get sent to Klaviyo and/or Mailchimp.

You can enhance your data compliance practices with our GDPR Checkbox feature. This optional feature provides a checkbox for customers to give their explicit consent for data collection, simultaneously offering them a link to your privacy policy. For more information on how to set up and customize your email capture page, check out the following article.

Customize and Brand your Quiz

On the left-hand side menu, at the top of your generated quiz answers, you’ll see the Welcome Page that you can use to introduce your quiz. You can select from 6 layout templates and upload images, gifs or videos.

The theme settings allow you to brand your flow. You can use this section to change the accent color of your quiz buttons or the background color fully and completely customize the CSS.

You can translate the quiz into any chosen language, change the default wording of quiz elements such as buttons and headings, change the font and upload your logo.

Results Page

On the results page, you can customize settings that:

  • allow you to display product reviews through Yotpo or Judge Me integrations

  • allow you to display and continue selling products even when these are out of stock

  • determine how many results get displayed and how they get sorted.

  • allow you to set a match score threshold for product recommendations.

  • display match scores in either the default 'match 5/7' format or in percentage format. (you can now completely hide match scores as well).

  • customize the number of results displayed per row for both mobile and desktop views.

  • if required, set up redirect URLs for your View More buttons or as an alternative to the results page

Dynamic Content Blocks allow you to further customize your quiz results page with additional content such as formattable text with multiple paragraphs, lists, links, headings, images, videos and even products.

The content in each block can change depending on the answers selected in the quiz, making every quiz result a unique, personalized experience for your customers.

You can specify the exact answers that need to be selected throughout the quiz for that particular content to be displayed. For more details on how to set up and use dynamic content blocks, please check out this article.

Link Results

Each answer you’ve added to your quiz will come with two sections: Matched Results (products or variants that match the answer) and Excluded Products (products or variants that should not be recommended is that particular answer is selected).

For a more detailed explanation of the quiz logic and a more complete understating of linking products as well as the excluded products mechanic, please check out this article.

For each answer you can link products, specific variants of products or link entire collections.

Linking Collections will allow you to link all products inside a specific collection directly to your quiz. Similarly, you can exclude entire collections from specific answers by linking them under the Excluded Products section of each answer.

We encourage you to use Shopify Automated Collections when setting up your quiz. They offer an intuitive way to filter your products in line with your quiz answers which simplifies the process of setting up your quiz.

Automated Collections in Shopify allow you to categorize your products based on various conditions such as price range, product type, or tags. This makes them an excellent tool for easily organizing your store's items, which in turn facilitates the quiz creation process. For more information check out the following article.

Once linked, any changes to a manual collection (like adding or removing products) will automatically be reflected in your quiz.

For automated collections, you can easily resync these once you've added new products to your store or made any changes.

To link products, start off by clicking the Match Products button. You can filter these by their names by typing inside the search bar or by their tags. To filter using tags, enter the following in the search bar tag:xyz where 'xyz' is the actual tag applied to your products.

The process for linking variants is exactly the same, simply click the Match Variants button instead.

You can also build your result page using dynamic content blocks

Dynamic Content Blocks allow you to further customize your quiz results page with additional content such as formattable text with multiple paragraphs, lists, links, headings, images, videos and even products.

The content in each block can change depending on the answers selected in the quiz, making every quiz result a unique, personalized experience for your customers.

You can specify the exact answers that need to be selected throughout the quiz for that particular content to be displayed

If you’re creating the type of quiz where the result are not only based on product attributes (like weight, color, size, ingredients, price etc) but more focused on the customer's profile ( for example a skincare routine based on a customer's skin type) and you require multiple results categories (for example an AM and PM routines.

We recommend you check out the following article to find out more about building your results page using dynamic content blocks.

Set up Notifications and personalized results emails

Notifications are the emails that your customers receive once they complete the quiz. You can integrate your existing Klaviyo or Mailchimp accounts or alternatively, use the built-in PPF emails.

Please check out the tutorials in our help center to learn more about how you can leverage the 0-party data collected from the quiz and generate powerful marketing campaigns as well as how to send your customers personalized emails with their quiz results using our powerful Klaviyo Integration.

If you’re looking to set up PPF emails the first step is clicking Connect. From this page, you’ll be able to edit the look and content of your quiz recommendation email, add your logo as well as send a test email out to make sure it all looks and reads as expected before going live. For more information please check out this article.


From Settings you can change the quiz name and slug as well as add the codes for any tracking software such as Meta Pixel, Google Analytics or Microsoft Analytics.

You can also add metadata such title, description and image as well as a Favicon to improve SEO when sharing your quiz URL on social media platforms.

Publish Your Quiz

Your quiz is now ready to Publish. Before going live, use the preview button at the top of the editor to see how your quiz will look.

Once published, there are three methods available to add your quiz to the store:

1. Link your quiz to a dedicated page using the URL provided

2. Embed your quiz on any page of your store

3. Add the quiz as a pop-up

Please note that embedding the quiz and adding it as a pop-up is only available on paid plans.

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